Sports Mania Breakfast and Afterschool Club

SJD Sports Coaching Ltd

SJD Sports Coaching LTD are working in partnership with Birley Spa Primary Academy to deliver ‘Breakfast Sports Club’ and ‘After School Sports Club’ throughout the school year.  The qualified sports coaches will be delivering a wide range of sports and activities, that will be inclusive for children throughout the school and will be delivered Monday to Friday.  SJD Sports Coaching LTD are excited to get the children active during this school year. 

Mrs Graham and Mr Whitehead are delighted to provide you with the Breakfast and Afterschool club timetable. The activities will be the main theme of the session however, they are not the only games /activities that will be taking place during the session.  If you would like your child to attend a session, please book their place via the School Comms Gateway App.  If you require any further information or need assistance in booking your place, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0114 2399106.

Pickup and Drop Off Arrangements Letter.

Monday         Football
Tuesday       Basketball
Wednesday   Dodgeball
Thursday       Cricket
Friday         Multi-Sports

Please note, should you wish to cancel a session we require 24 hours’ notice.