Integrated Resource

What is it?

Birley Spa Primary Academy hosts an Integrated Resource which offers provision for 12 pupils with an EHCP for ASD who are in Year 3 – 6.  These places are allocated by the Local Authority, not the school.  The IR offers specialist provision for children with significant and complex SEND.


What we offer:

The Key Stage 2 children (Year 3-6 only) who are placed in Birley Spa Primary Academy by the Local Authority access bespoke education which matches their curriculum entitlement to support for their special educational needs and disabilities.  All children with an ASD diagnosis, who have one of our limited 12 places, access formal learning (at an appropriate level), skills-based learning and targeted support to achieve their EHCP targets.

Mrs. Horsfield, our IR leader, and her team provide nurture and challenge to meet the needs of children who the Local Authority feel cannot fully access mainstream schooling.


Position Staff name
IR lead Mrs. Horsfield
TA (Emergency 1st aid) Mrs. Bradley
TA (Emergency 1st aid) Mrs T Birkby
TA (Emergency 1st aid) Mrs D Plumber
Consultation on the Closure of the Intergrated Resource Provision

Integrated Resource Leaflets